River and I attended a conditioning seminar that the local Bearded Collie club held. He so enjoyed the exercises. I could tell that they would be beneficial to him. River is now 14+ years and not so steady on his feet. He suffered from Vestibular disease back in January and while he has recovered he still needs help.
In April I scheduled an appointment with Kim for both River and my younger beardie ZiZi. Background on ZiZi is that she has severe hip displacia and while it still has not presented any problems for her at 8 years old I felt she could benefit from Kim's help.
While with Kim she reviewed the exercises for River and went through a series that would help ZiZi and explained those that should not be done because of her hips.
I left with my head in a whirl wondering how can I ever remember all this and then just a day later Kim e-mailed me a set of home exercises design individually just for each of them.
This has been a big help and I find myself doing bits and pieces throughout the day to help them. I believe it has helped. I especially see River getting stronger as he moves around much easier than before.
Many thanks Kim. I believe you have helped to not only prolong his life but the quality is improved. For ZiZi, it can only benefit her.